Tag Archives: cut
Dream: My head in their lap
I have dreamt of an old man sitting on the bark remains of a cut down tree… Continue reading
Dream: About a girl that I use to know
There was a girl that used to study with me. Even though we stopped talking to one another, I had a dream about this girl when I done istikhara if she was the one for me… Continue reading
break baya`
Q: please tell me what are all the things which tend to break the baya .so that we may stop ourself from doing those things Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged baya`, break-off, cut, initiation, invoking blessings, praise of Prophet (s), salawat, yufsid, yunkir
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Dream: Turtle meat
I am a sister. In my dream, I saw I had an entire turtle which was already slaughtered so it didn’t have its head but rest of the body was there… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged backbite, backbiters, backbiting, chicken meat, cut, head, meat, nasty, pious people, saints, skin, slaughtered, slice, turtle, uncooked
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