Tag Archives: dark room
Covering for women at home
1. Is it wajib for a woman to cover her sattarr at home (excluding non-mahrams)? … Continue reading
Posted in Women's Issues
Tagged alone, body, cover, dark room, hair removal, Hanafi School, home, knee, men, menses, menstruating, minimize exposure, nakedness, navel, necessary, necessity, non-mahram, recommended, shower, wajib, woman
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Dream: Zikr by Allah(swt)
I saw this dream a few years back. I saw myself standing alone and watching the night sky… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Allah swt, angel, astaghfirullah, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, crack, dark room, dhikr, end times, fall, falling, fell, fitna, la ilaha il-Allah, night, prediction, prophecy, Prophet Muhammad (s), protection, room, salawat, sky, sky-gazing, watching
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Dream: Mecca, Medina, and Prophet Muhammad (s)
I’ve been having dreams where I see Makkah and Madinah Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged chairs, dark room, dispel, evil, glad tidings, hijab, invitation, Ka`aba, Ka`bah, Madinah, Madinatul-munawwarah, Mecca, Mecca Mukarramah, Medina, mosques, Prophet Muhammad (s), soft voice, visit, white cloth, women, ziyara, ziyarah
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