Tag Archives: distress
Difficult times!
I’m going through the difficult times and Im stressed
Alot of times… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged calm heart, calming, calmness, dhikr, difficulities, distress, relieving distress, stress
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Can a Jinn perform sex with your wife?
I am married for 24 yrs, my marriage has not been one that I can be happy about. Many arguments have filled my marriage… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged 2 raka`ats, before sleep, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, couple, discuss, distress, dreams, du`a, forbidden, friendship, illusion, inspiration, intention, intercourse, jinn, love renewal, marriage, married, menses, mukhannath, night, nightmares, partnership, seeking divorce, sexual arousal, Shaytan, sons of jinn, tenderness, unhappy, wife, Ya Wadud
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Help for a brother…
[Private] was always a popular boy at 21…now at 25 he has been suffering with Asr of something… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Health
Tagged alcohol, brother, care provider, condition, distress, family, friend, isolated, medication, mental health, personalized care, popular, suffering
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Worried about prayers
I am worried about my daily prayers. I am often unsure about the validity of my wudu’ and this makes me worry that my prayers may not be valid… Continue reading
Dream: Isthikhara for marriage
I did isthikhara for getting in touch with a ‘guy’ I like to eventually express my feelings. I fell asleep without wudhu, though but did everything else correct… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged blood relation, distress, marriage, murderer, provision, rizq, stress, worries
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