Tag Archives: education
Traveling for study
I need guidance about traveling to another Muslim country for studies. Continue reading
Career path
I have a problem I dont know what career path to take.Accounting, Pharmacy or computer science can you tell me which one will be easy in unniversity and which is a better option.
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Where to take my scholarship
I have just finished some studies related with cooperation to development, and I have received a scholarship to spend from 3 to 6 months… Continue reading
Making A Choice
Oh Sheikhs, we ask your advise and wisdom as we have come to a crosspath. I am currently working for a company… Continue reading
Where in the world should we be MSN and MSH
We went to Cyprus to ask this question but didn’t, and got the answer that we could go to Italy or USA… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Appeal
The tribunal appeal hearing with the education authority for my autistic boys to attend a small independant school in another area as opposed to a mainstream school… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Progress in education
I’m 19+student in i. c. t field,and mureed of Naqshabandi tariqa, & baya from online… Continue reading
Studies and the Straight Path
This year is a very important year for me in my education. I would really appreciate it if you could do dua for me so that I will get good results inshallah.[fr]This year is a very important year for me in my education. I would really appreciate it if you could do dua for me so that I will get good results inshallah.[/fr] Continue reading
No dreams
I am worried, as I don’t dream often if at all. Continue reading
Prayer Request: good g.p.a
I am doing Bachelors of Engineering in Mechanical. I am in my 5th semester. Continue reading