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Tag Archives: enemy
Dream: Green Flying Snake (Re-sending pls reply)
I am in a entirely green field, I saw Huge Green Snake hovering, I hold stick and throw toward the snake, I wanted to know about the snake, nothing happens, I again through something toward the snake and Snake Attacks me and I ran in the bushes… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged curiosity, enemy, snake
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Black dog
There is something which is unusual and happened a few months ago that is worrying me. I was comforting my crying daughter one night around 3 am and when I was returning to my room… Continue reading
Dream: Possessed by big birds
MSN, MSH and Staff May Allah Bless You and Your Family. In the dream we are… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged battle, big birds, enemy
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Dream: Snake attack
I was in a queue of people, a very informal chilled out queue and we were all walking… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged childish ego, enemy, snakes
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Dream: Trying to get out of trouble
She saw that she was trapped in the kitchen surrounded by small lizards all over the… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged enemy, hasbunallah Rabbunallah, lizard
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what is the dua if person surrounded by enemy people?
I was looking if we have any dua or ayah that can be read for a person when he is alone and when he his with family ,for there safety if a person is surrounded by enemy soldiers and there is a threat for life?
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Posted in General
Tagged Divine protection, du`a, endurance, enemy, forgiveness, safety, Sayyidina Ja`far as-Sadiq, trials
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Can a Muslim be an American Soldier
I converted to Islam while on deployment to Iraq, and still am in the US Army… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged American soldier, army, conscience, contract, convert, courage, deployment, difference of opinion, different views, enemy, fatwa, hadith, heart, Islam, military, Muslim, revert, soldier, truthfulness, understanding, US Army
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