Tag Archives: father
Prayer Request: For my Father’s loans
Please pray for my Father, that Allah subhanuatala puts the necessary strength, desire and sincerity in heart, so that inshaAllah he may pay off his loans… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Please Pray for My Mother
Alhamdulelah, for twenty years I have been trying to follow Mawlana Shaykh Nazim… Continue reading
Dream: Protection if they are bad dreams
1 My husband’s beard and mustache shaved… Continue reading
Dream: Salafi Father, Siraat and Surat Al-Kawthar
My father doesn’t want to speak to me after I asked him to peacefully discuss that I’m Sufi and he’s Wahabi… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Ya Shaykh pray for my father
Ya sultan al awliya. Madad ya Shaykh. Pray my father stops his bad habits and addictions and becomes religious… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Troublesome brother
My 71 year old father is the sole earner of the family. My eldest brother, his wife and two kids are without income, whatever he invests in doesn’t work… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Sihr?
Is there Sihr black magic to destroy my family?… Continue reading
Dream: Jesus is coming?
I walked into a room, MSH, MSN and my father were sitting in chairs. I sat down in front of them… Continue reading