Tag Archives: fiqh
Giving ghusl to the dead
Can you explain to me how to give ghusl to a dead person… Continue reading
Shafii questions about salat
I have changed from over 10 years as a Hanafi to Shafi madhaab for various reasons, socially & with in the family… Continue reading
Vitamin D3 from sheep wool
I eat alot of Nestle chocolates. I went on their website today just to check whether they had any animal derived products in them. This is what it said… Continue reading
Scope of change of ruling with change of time
I’m wanting to learn, in the light of the principles of four Sunni schools, to what extent can rulings change? Continue reading
Shafii Fiqh of Salat
I would like to ask a few brief questions about salaat in the Shafi madhaab. As we have finally chosen the Shafi madhaab to follow… Continue reading
Mazhab practice…
I have doubt about practicing madzhab. I didnt study Islam in detail. Only some basics in school and thru lecture… Continue reading
Fiqh of Naqshbandis
I am new to the Naqshbandi ways, is it ok to practice Shaf’i fiqh or is there another way… Continue reading
Wudu & Washing of the face & beard
Please Clarify :(Hanafi view). It is obligatory to wash the outer part of a thick beard, within the limits of the face? Continue reading
Female Slaves in Islam
I would like to know what Islam says about slavery and are men allowed to have sex with their females slaves… Continue reading
Knowledge on Naqshbandi Haqqani
I want to know how do the four fiqhs connect with Sufism?… Continue reading