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Tag Archives: football
Permission of playing professional Football (soccer)
I would like to ask whether it is permissible to play professional soccer and whether the income earned is halal. In my heart it seems like I would be wasting peoples time. But then again a lot of people just watch highlights only… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged football, professional sports, soccer
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Dream: Green grassRêve: Herbe verte
I was in my old school. I was with the guy I want to marry.[fr]J’étais dans mon ancienne école. J’étais avec l’homme que je voulais épouser…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angry, conversation, families, family, father, field, football, football match, front room, grass, green grass, home, house, istikhara, istikhara prayer, marriage, marry, mother, openings, positive, positive signs, school, seeking marriage, shade, shining, signs, sun, uncle, warm
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Rêve: Herbe verte
Prophet Mohammad(s) in my dream
Q: A green field with a lot of murids in it, some sheiks comes and start orderind the murids to get in line behind them, every sheyk wanted all the murids behind. I was in the field very confuseed without kwowing where to put. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged football, Hell, murid, paradise, Prophet Muhammad (s), protection, punishment, reward, shaykh, shuyukh
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