Tag Archives: Friends of Allah
who are budala, who are kutub , and how they differ from awliya? Continue reading
Question about various beliefs in tariqa
I have been in tariqa for the last 10 years. While I absolutely love my shaykh and love our ways, I still have confusion
about many things. Continue reading
Dream: Meeting Three Shaykhs
In a dream saw three shaykhs, all of them wearing green robes. I was given the same robe… Continue reading
Statement of Bayazid Bistami (ra)
Could you please shed some light on this statement, specifically the last part about religious obligation being “companionship with the Master”? Continue reading
Karamat (Miracle) vs Magic
I was discussing with a Malaysian brother on the issue of karamat and black magic. He was saying that its hard to distinguish the two… Continue reading
Maqam of Ghawth
I have a question related to the spiritual station of Al Ghawthiyya. I was reading that during the time of Shaykh Abdullah Daghistani (ra) … Continue reading
What does MSN say about this Saint?
There is a great Saint living in the North Western parts of Pakistan ,he is of Afghan origin and his name is Shaykul Mashaykh Khwaja Pir Rehmat Karim Sahib.. Continue reading
Dream: dream about name
I had a dreamed that someone mentions the name “sheiks Nazim al Haqqani”. after that I wokeup… Continue reading