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Tag Archives: garden
Dream: Seeing a Nebula in the Sky
My brother had the following dream and hope you can interpret this. He was looking outside of his house down the back garden,… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged apprehensive, astronomers, birth of Prophet (s), Eagle Nebula, garden, house, Medina, nebula, nervous, Orion, outside, People of the Book, sky, spiritual sultan, star, Surat ar-Rahman, universe, Yathrib
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Dream: Istikhara for marriage
I see the brother in white sunnah dress with noor coming from his face and smiling at me… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged black, face, garden, istikhara dream, love interest, noor, peaceful, pleasent, red, seeking marriage, smiling, sunnah dress, turban
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Can someone please speak to us about the hikmas (wisdoms) behind the Sunnah of eating salt before our meals?… Continue reading
Dream: Journery
Whenever prior to travelling abroad i get dreams of loosing passport,getting late for flight etc.On this dream I lost my passport and drivers license,unable to pack luggage and leave for cyprus ontime.why do I always get these type of dreams? Continue reading
Dream: Of fear and destruction…Reve: Peur et Destruction
I was standing with my father facing a big field. We were carrying luggage on our back, like travelers, and were watching hundreds of families having fun on the field. [fr]J’étais debout avec mon père en face d’un grand champ. On portait des bagages au dos comme des voyageurs et nous regardions des centaines…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged brothers, earth, father, garden, luggage, monsters, moon, Signs of the Last Days, straight path, sun, traveler, window
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Reve: Peur et Destruction
Dream: Garden and rocks
I was in a country house and remeber this beautiful garden, one like I have never seen before. I remember admiring the beauty but seeing some large rocks. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged adornment, arrangement, ation, beard, brother, continuation, dress, garden, image, piety, prepar, rocks, sincerity, sister-in-law, spiritual, turban
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Dream: Snake biting
I’m an English converted Muslim and I’m writing my husband’s dream. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Allah's Rights, animal, animal feces, bite, biting, black snake, chain, cure, doctor, dunya, face, feces, finger, friend, garden, guidance, heap, hopsital, huquq Allah, love of dunya, material world, materialism, medicine, numb, poison, prayer, repent, repentance, salat, snake, walking, waste
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Dream: Blue Tulips
dreamt I was standing outside and looking towards my garden. The vegetation was totally different than in reality. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged garden, paradise, trees, tulip
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