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Tag Archives: high blood pressure
High BP during sleeping
My mother has recently been having a problem with her blood pressure during sleep. She has consulted many doctors but none of them know what the problem is… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Asking for supplication
My mother has high blood pressure and she has to keep taking tablets every now and… Continue reading
Posted in Health, Prayer Request
Tagged high blood pressure, mother, prayer
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Prayer Request: My Father Is Sick
My father has Diabetes and blood pressure problem. He takes his medicine regularly… Continue reading
Posted in Health, Prayer Request
Tagged diabetes, high blood pressure, medicine, Ya Shafi
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how to lower high blood pressure
I wanted to ask you could you tell me what is the best way to lower high blood pressure, whether its natural remedies or some zikr Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged dhikr, high blood pressure, hypertension, natural remedies, recitation, wudu
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Prayer Request: dua to make him melt and wife to recover
Please make dua for my brother-in-law. He’s a very stubborn, strict, demanding person who is holding his wife from seeing her family for the last 15 years. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Prayer Request
Tagged Allah swt, angry, brother-in-law, demanding, depression, family, hasbunallah, hawqala, high blood pressure, sister, strict
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