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Tag Archives: hill
Re: Istikhara
I dream of a hill at night. I start ascending the hill in the moon light. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation, Marriage/Divorce
Tagged hill, moonlight
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Dream: Istikharah for taking a tariqat
I got offer for tariqat and am confused to take it or not,… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, baya`, black, brother, bumpy ride, car, cousin, destination, friends, green, hill, istikhara, large, living shaykh, path, road, slow, small, supercharge, tariqah
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Dream: With my Younger Brother
1. I and my younger brother are climing up a hill. Later after reaching top of the hill,… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged achievement, ancient place, ascending, brother, climb, connected, dergah, destinations, doms, hill, intersect, reach, search, spiritual elevation, stairs, top, upstairs, walk, younger brother
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Dream: Mawlana Sheik
I was in a big circle of pleople, all dressed Naqshbandi. By my side a Spanish sister (I donĀ“t know her)… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged behavior, black eyes, circle, dance, envious, eyes, follow, heart, hill, house, jump, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, miss, Naqshbandi clothes, ocean, run, Spanish, speed of light, spiritual trust, teachings
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Dream: Man between the names of Allah
I saw a man as if sitting on top of a hill either preoccupied thinking about something or praying, in front of him I saw the name of Allah in arabic and behind him the name of Allah… Continue reading