Tag Archives: istighatha
Asking the Prophet for requests?
Is it okay to make Dua to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH ? Continue reading
Seeking Refuge in the Prophet (s)
Allah said: If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah. Continue reading
Hadith of calling invisible helpers (istighatha)
Shaykh, can you please give us a detailed Takhrij (just like hadith of Adam (As)) on the hadith mentioned below. ‘Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas’ud has narrated that the Prophet(saw) said: When you lose your means of transport in a jungle, you should call: ‘O creatures of Allah! Help me, recover my transport! O creatures of Allah! Help me, recover my transport !’… Continue reading
How do I call upon Maulana for help? What do I say? I was lead to believe that Awliyah will be there for you… Continue reading
Madad Of Awliya
I cannot find a specific verse in the Quran where we can ask Madad from Awliya. The only authnetic hadiths … Continue reading
Asking “Ya Shaykh Madad!” – Istighatha/Isti`ana
I’ve come across a Salafi website, where there seems to be proofs about ‘Ya Shaykh… Continue reading
Tawwasul and Istighatha
Thank you so greatly for making the book “Mafaheem yajib an tusahah” by as-… Continue reading
Shirk of the Mushriks
Q25:3 says the disbelievers as those who takes idols or that which is created and harmless as “gods”. But what makes an object a “god/ilah” ?… Continue reading
Cemented high graves
Me and my family are Naqshbandis, and we often go to the shrines of saints for fatiha and request them to pray for us… Continue reading
Deobandis and Tablighi Jama`atQuestion: Les sectes Tablighi Jamat et Déobandis
Please tell me whether tablighi jamaat and deobandi who are being supported monetarily by wahabi and salafi in Asia and worldwide.[fr]Pouvez-vous me dire SVP pourquoi vous ne voulez pas décrire tablighi jamaat comme étant sur la mauvaise voie alors que tablighi jamaat…[/fr] Continue reading