Tag Archives: jealous ego
Privacy when it comes to dreams
I find it very frustrating though when it comes to dreams, I feel like few actually require legitimate interpretation Continue reading
Posted in General, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged blessed, dream interpretation, good dream, Imam Ghazali, jealous, jealous ego, jihad, Jihad against the ego, jihad an-nafs, nafs, self-reflection, sharing dreams, spiritual information, spiritual levels, unnecessary posts
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noor on face
Sometimes a brother makes dhikr, recites the Quran, and then people come to him because they see noor on his face… Continue reading
Dream: Maulana and Dajjal (i think)
I had a dream last night (new years) and I remember it vaguely. There were four people standing in a circle. Myself , MSN and two people, one big and small in motorbike helmets (I think they were the Dajjal). Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bad desires, contentment, control, Dajjal, ego, false god, fight, helmet, jealous ego, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, surrender
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