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Tag Archives: jinn
Prayer Request: Affected by a JInn
Shaykh Muhammed Hisham Kabbani
I need help. I’m a female who is being affected by black magic. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged jinn, possession, sihr
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Shaytan’s attack (URGENT)
Last night I have been attacked by a djin/shaytan. I had these attacks before; but I thought I was healed. the wind of transportation made my skin tremble as the djin kidnapped me to throw me in the dark side of a djin-town. in the middle of the trip, we ended up ascending, Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged attack, jinn, protection, world of Jinn
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Dream: Spider biting
Last night my wife had a dream about a spider biting her, what does this mean?… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged adab, bad actions, bite, biting, change, discipline, enter, house, jinn, limits, muhasaba, negative jinn, self-accounting, Shari`ah, spider
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Prayer Request: Affected by Jinn
I am affected by Jinn, can you please give a protection from them? Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged Ayat al-Kursi, du`a of Ayat al-Kursi, general, genie, jinn, malignant spirit, night attack, tawiz, visitant
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I feel as though there is something watching me constantly as night. I saw a figure near my bed and it came closer but I closed my eyes and started reading duas.
The next night I felt my bed move and the springs make noises as if something had come and sat down beside me and then I felt cold strokes on my forehead as though something was touching me.
Its not just in my room its when am alone at night even when am downstairs watching TV i could feel a presence.
Am not sure what it could be but I was wondering If you could help? Continue reading
Dream: Suffocation
I dreamt a few days back that my breathing was being stopped. as if i was being suffocated and i could feel that state too ( so it wasn’t only my dream?) and i tried to get out of that state/as to wake up but i couldn’t… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged breath, breathing, jinn, jinn attack, nostril, suffocate
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Dream: various dreams
1 A man told me he converted to Islam via jinn and that jinn was converted by my grandfather’s brother… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged airport, angry, brother, convert, Dajjal, essence, fight, grandfather, green, Islamic Teachings, jinn, man, masjid, men, mosque, nafs al-mutama'inah, obedient, pious woman, safe, soul
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Burning Incense
I heard that it is not good to burn certain or all types of incense in the home because they might attract negative energy and scare the angels away… Continue reading