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Tag Archives: little girl
Dream: Tree and roses
I saw the dream during the day. I was in a house and looking out the window. There was a tree and right below the tree… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged birthday of Prophet (s), brother, cousin, daytime, decorate, female, flowers, ground, guardian, hanging, honor, house, little girl, looking, love, magnify, man, Milad an-Nabi, niqabs, nobility, pick, pink, prestige, promote, Prophet Muhammad (s), roses, stick, teenager, tree, wali, white, window, wish, young
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Signed a contract
My dream began with me being in front of people talking about Islamic issues. Then someone presented to me a paper that I had to sign which was about agreeing to some Islamic teachings. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged contract, good end, improvement, Islamic issues, little girl, marriage, power, religion, safety, Surat az-Zumar
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