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Tag Archives: loans
Overcoming debt
I am only 20 yrs. of age and my father has many various credit cards and loans pulled out in my name of which I have nothing to do with because he keeps all and deals with all. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged credit card, debt, irresponsible father, loans
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Prayer Request: Economic Hardship
Please pray for me that Allah increases my rizq. I am swamped with loans from everywhere. My income is not enough to cover the expense that i have, my husband does not really help me much with the home life… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged debts, loans, provision, rizq, Salat al-Fatih, ya Razzaq
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Conventional mortgage
I live in a non-muslim country and my wish is to start my own business. I currently work in the corporate world and been saving for quite some many years to start my own business… Continue reading
Zakat on owed money
I have recently heard that it is obligatory to pay zakat on money that one has lent to others… Continue reading
Ahadith on Surah Ikhlas
What is the authenticity of these hadith:
Hazrat Anas(R) has said that Rasualllah(S) has said, “if anyone recites 200 times everyday Surah Ikhlas 200 of his (minor) sins committed over 50 years will be blotted out of his record; but, if he has to pay loan to anyone,that will not be forgiven.” (At-Tirmidhi and Darami) Continue reading
I am a 23 year unmarried female. My heart is longing to go Medina/Makkah very soon InshaAllah… Continue reading
Posted in Hajj, `Umrah & Ziyarah
Tagged `umrah, hajj, loans, Madinah, Makkah, Mecca, Medina, mental, missed fasts, missed prayers, missed salat, money, physical, preparation, spiritual, student loans
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He has to pay off many debts and he wanted some guidance in this regard and he is quite upset about it… Continue reading
Prayer Request: For my Father’s loans
Please pray for my Father, that Allah subhanuatala puts the necessary strength, desire and sincerity in heart, so that inshaAllah he may pay off his loans… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged desire, du`a, father, heart, loans, prayer, providence, repentance, sincere repentance, sincerity, strength, trust in Allah, ya Ghani, Ya Hameed, Ya Hamid, Ya Qadi al-hajaat
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