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Tag Archives: loving
Dream: Surface of tooth fell out
I dreamt that from the upper left molar, the surface of one tooth was chipped and fell out… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged area, broken, brush, chip, chipped, condition, dentist, desire, family, family member, father's side, female, grind, hand, inner surface, left, loving, milk, molar, money, outer surface, pain, preserve, protect, relative, repay, shrink, shrunk, sincere, special toothpaste, suffer, surface, teeth, tooth, upper, woman
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Dream: Butterfly!
My husband and I seemed to be somewhere. The thought came to me that it is Makkah… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged adorable, butterfly, clean, Day of Resurrection, dirty, family relationship, finger, holiness, husband, imam, Ka`aba, Ka`bah, loving, Makkah, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Mecca, purification, purity, safety, Surat al-Waqi`a, young children
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Dream: Python
I asked for answer through Istikhara about my marriage with a particular person. I saw a python in my dream… Continue reading
Prayer Request: for my husband to be loving and kind
I would like to request a prayer for my marriage- it’s falling apart due to my husband’s neglect, anger, impatience and his not communicating to me. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Prayer Request
Tagged anger, husband, impatience, kind, loving, marriage, negativity, neglect
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