Tag Archives: make-up
Are skin products/cosemtics and make-up are halal?
Like pimples, scars, and other skin flaws. You are not changing you appearance just restoring back to its original and do Muslim countries have these products like lotions, zit creams, wrinkle cream, and scar creams? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged alcohol, by-products, cosmetics, halal or haram, make-up, pork, vegan products
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Six Days of Shawwal and Make-up Days of Ramadan
Is it ok to combine the six days of Sunnah fasts in Shawwal with make-up days for missed fasts (due to a valid excuse) of Ramadan? Continue reading
Posted in Siyam - Fasting
Tagged excuses, illness, make-up, nursing, pregnancy, qada, sunnah fast, supererogatory worship, travel, voluntary fast
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Kaffarah for Intentional Fast-Breaking
Can you explain the different types of Kaffarah… Continue reading
Posted in Siyam - Fasting
Tagged atonement, expiation, fard, forgiveness, make-up, missed fasting, obligatory, penitence, ramadan, removal of sins, repentance
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Making up missed salat according to Hanafi fiqh
Please can you tell me the correct method of making up missed salah according to the Hanafi fiqh… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged fard, Hanafi, make-up, missed prayer, namaz, obligatory, qada, salat, timing
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