Tag Archives: marry
Interested in a Catholic Man
Please help me Sheik to make decision about the man who is being associated with me… Continue reading
i’m 30 years old,i have received lots of proposals but haven’t found the right person to marry… Continue reading
Weakness in trusting in ALLAH
I am a convert studying in Damascus. 2007 I got an offer to marry a Syrian girl… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Half my deen
I am seeking Sheikh’s dua and advice to become a good spouse as well as to find someone good to marry insha’Allah… Continue reading
Prayer Request: To marry whom I desirePlease pray for me to marry whom i desier
I am a hopeless girl. I am not ugly, educated girl but everyone runs away from me. Continue reading
Meeting for MarriageMeeting for Marrige
Ya Sayadi, I have been talking to a brother online 4 about 2 years now. He says he likes me as a person and would like to meet me to consider marriage… Continue reading
Dream: Wedding daymarriage
Sayidi I recently asked for you to pray for me regarding marriage. Thank you for your reply.. Continue reading
Dream: Green grassRêve: Herbe verte
I was in my old school. I was with the guy I want to marry.[fr]J’étais dans mon ancienne école. J’étais avec l’homme que je voulais épouser…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: ProposalRêve: Demande de mariage
There’s this girl that I really love and she’s been having these dreams. She made dua to Allah asking for a sign if she will ever get a chance to marry me. [fr]Il y a une fille que j’aime beaucoup, et elle a fait plusieurs rêves…[/fr] Continue reading