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Tag Archives: Muharram
Menikah di bulan Muharram (Getting married in the month of Muharram)
Assalamu’alaikum warohmatulloh wabarokatuh…Dalam adat jawa bulan muharram bukanlah bulan yang baik untuk melangsungkan aqad nikah. pertanyaannya bagaimana kita menyikapi hal itu? Continue reading
Celebration in Muharram
Is it permissible to do an aqiqah during this month and also can you offer sweets as gifts and have a family gatherin… Continue reading
Travel in Muharram?
My husband and I recently moved from Indiana to Amman to study Arabic, but my… Continue reading
Balsamic vinegar/vinegar, Tuesdays, Vanilla extract
Please can you give us clarity on the following. What can we do on Tuesdays and what to refrain from, eg. Removing hair,… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged alcohol, appointments, balsamic vinegar, cooking, drinkable alcohol, evidence, food, hair removal, heavy, Hellfire, homemaking process, Muharram, mureed, murid, products, prohibited, simmer, studies, travelling, Tuesday, vanilla extract, vodka
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Ijazat for break
1, Dearest Mowlana after speaking , you advised it was not a good time to leave during Muharram and now Muharram is over. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged break, family situation, Muharram, vacation
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Muharram practices in Naqshbandiyya
Q: When you make a fard prayer noon pray what else after that I would pray that prayer was potpunjen the way Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged awrad, dhikr, istikhara, Muharram, rabitah, Salat azh-Zhuhr, Sunnah
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