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Tag Archives: prohibited
Wine vinegar
Is wine vinegar halal and I think according to Abu Hanifa it is halal… Continue reading
Hookah pipe
My question is regarding hookah pipes… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged cafe, cigarettes, dangerous, deadly, flavor, haram, harmful, harmful effect, hookah, impermissible, inhaling, lethal, makruh, narguile, prohibited, shisha, smoke, tar, tobacco, water pipe, worse
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Balsamic vinegar/vinegar, Tuesdays, Vanilla extract
Please can you give us clarity on the following. What can we do on Tuesdays and what to refrain from, eg. Removing hair,… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged alcohol, appointments, balsamic vinegar, cooking, drinkable alcohol, evidence, food, hair removal, heavy, Hellfire, homemaking process, Muharram, mureed, murid, products, prohibited, simmer, studies, travelling, Tuesday, vanilla extract, vodka
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Marriage to a Close Relative
I would to ask the rulings of marrying to our close relatives. Are we allowed to marry a close relative,… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged allowed, close relative, cousin, family relative, halal, haram, marriage, marriage partner, permissibility, prohibited, relatives, spouse, validity
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Did Imam Qurtubi forbid Raqs ?
There are quotes online where Imam Qurtubi in surah al kahf verse 14, surah bani israel verse 37… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged childish noise, circumambulate, clapping, consensus, disturb, forbid, hadrah, halal, haram, Imam al-Qurtubi, Mecca, naked, noise, polytheists, prayer, prohibited, raqs, whistling
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Dream: 3 Maulanas spinning eyes
I am in a gathering and there are 3 maulana’s sitting at the front. Suddenly they look at me and their eyes turn to black and white and their eyes start to spin in a circle. Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged Allah's Beautiful Names and Attributes, black, Divine Mercy, dunya, eyes, focus, gaze, haram, istighfar, manifestation, prohibited, pupils, salat, Shah Bahauddin Naqshband, tajalli, vision, white
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