Tag Archives: negative thoughts
Prayer Request: I simply cannot move on.
I am depressed due to my wife taking khula. My wife took khula in 201_ and in 201_ I found out later that during my long distance marriage she was sitting in someone else’s lap (I saw in a photo). Continue reading
Is it confusing times Maulana???
Salams. plz pray for me and family. I keep on getting negative thoughts which are rather scary and i keep thinking bad things are happening to me and especially my family! Please help asap… Continue reading
Depression, Anger, Negativity + Ibadah
I get really depressed and sometimes get angry. I get negative thoughts especially when I’m doing dhikrullah or reading Quran or salawat. Continue reading
Negative Focus
When I see, when I hear or when I observe a person or an object, the first things that catch my eyes and on which I focus unintentionally are the faults… Continue reading
Wird to Remove Homosexual Desires
Is it possible to know and get permission for a special wird that purifies totally from false (homosexual desires) and reorient to normal?… Continue reading