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Tag Archives: paradise
Seeing dad with pain in arm
Question: Salaam. Dad lying down with pain in his arm. My dad passed away nearly 30 years ago from heart attack. I also see cousin’s wife who is doctor and she’s helping dad. Been having family issues – sister in … Continue reading
Ruman pomegranate
My husband saw he was eating a delicious big fruit and it turned out to be a big grain of pomegranate. Continue reading
Garden of Eden on Earth?
Is it true that the Garden of Eden is located beyond the Seven Heavens? Why do the Jews and Christians believe that it was on earth? Continue reading
Est ce qu’on peut dire que tous les swahaba seront au paradis
Est ce qu’on peut dire que tous les swahaba seront au paradis à 100% Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged companions, Francais, French, paradise, reward, Sahaba, Shahada, Testifaction of Faith
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Hidden shirk
I just wanted to ask about this article. http://www.naqshbandi.org/teachings/topics/on-hidden-shirk/
Does this mean that if someone worships Allah for paradise he is committing shirk that takes him out of Islam. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged al-Rabb, paradise, shirk, worshiping Allah
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Will Ahl-ul Kitab married to Muslims go to Jannah
My father is a Muslim, but my mother is from the Ahl-ul Kitab: she is a practicing Christian. She does good deeds and believes in a lot of the doctrines of Islam but she has not converted. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Ahl al-Kitab, belief in Allah, christian parent, good deeds, jannah, paradise
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Ranks in paradise
I want to now what I have to do to get to the highest rank in paradise,I’m a teenager and I’m Albanian but my deen is Islam I am going to pray perfect salat,give money… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged akhirah, average person, good Muslim, Highest rank, Jannat al-Firdaws, love of Prophet (s), paradise, pleasure of Allah, seeking Allah's Bounty
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Would Cats go to Heaven?
Would cats go to heaven? Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged after death, afterlife, animals, jannah, paradise, the World of Souls
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Ringing sound in ear
At times, I would experience momentary(a few seconds) gradual deafness in my left ear(as if the sound is sucked out and transferred to the right)… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged jannah, paradise, temporary deafness
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