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Tag Archives: prayer mat
Folding sides of prayer mat
In Pakistani and Indian culture some people after they’re done praying or leave for a while between prayer, they fold a corner of a prayer carpet. They claim if they don’t shaytan will pray on it. Can shaytan pray? Is there any evidence of this theory? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Salat - Prayer
Tagged culture, folding, intention, interference, namaz, prayer mat, prayer rug, Shaytan, waswasa
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Damaged a person’s life
I had a very disturbing & unusual childhood/youth due to family & many things in my life have been a reaction of this… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged childhood, consequences, cursed, damaged, discrete, disturbing, forgive, happiness, immature, life, mistake, patient, prayer mat, Prayers, reaction, repented, seek apology, teenager, troubled life, unusual
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Dream: Praying namaz on water
I was praying namaz in real and I had a vision that I was sitting on water and praying namaz without a prayer mat… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, awliyaullah, dergah, desire, finances, heavens, Islam, love to awliya, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, namaz, old man, opening, prayer, prayer mat, salat, turban, vision, visit, water, ziyara, ziyarah
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Dream: Sutlan ul awwlia
1:In this dream I’m in a very large empty room similar to a masjid, all four walls are made of a transparent powerful light… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, approach, beard, bench, black, black beard, black cloak, black turban, bliss, cloak, closeness, deeds, dergah, empty, fair skin, female family members, handsome, Imam Mahdi, large, Lefke, light, male, masjid, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, nearness, powerful, prayer mat, Quran, red, smile, Sultan al-Awliya, tasbeeh, tasbih, transparent, trusted, turban, walls, young
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Pakistani culture or truth
Q: question concerning pakistani reasons for doing certain things.overtime when certain things were done the elders in my family would say you shouldnt do this because of so and so. . Continue reading