Tag Archives: qiyam al-layl
Additional or Recommended Dzikr in Jalsa Position
I currently say {Rabbi ighfirli wa arhamni}, can I say something that encorages Allah (swt) to give more mercy… Continue reading
Prayer Request: want a high level help me
im a convert and a mured of shaykh nazim ive been in tarqat for 4or 5 years i always got up for midnight prayer and had beatifull dreams but since i got older im getting sick sometimes i cant sleep or i have a fear to get up and pray i get scared cause its midnight last 2 years ive been sometimes getting up i get high blood pressure to
can you pray that i will always pray night prayer i saw hishim kabbani in my dream he said my level was high but not now it went down what did i do to make it go down please tell me what do i have to do to getmyself up at night im feel sad now for sake of prophet please answer Continue reading
How to gain Nur on the face
Ya Sayedi teach us a way on how to gain bright nur on our faces, a du`a or `amal… Continue reading
Prayer Request: No desire to do anything
Q: I do not know what’s wrong with me, I have no desire to do anything, I know I need to study and work but living with sleep and headaches, Continue reading
Q: I m finding it very hard to accept that some people have it all and others have nothing. Im always struggling about what i don’t have although hamdella God has given me good things in life. Continue reading
Dream: Salat with Syeich Hisham
Initially, I often join Naqshabandi Zikr ceremony and biidznillah, last month I met with Syeich Hisham for the 2nd time in some public event. Continue reading
Tahajjud Prayers (Night Vigil)
Can you tell me about Tahajjud?[fr]Tahajjud or vigil prayer means to rise at night after having slept and pray some nonobligatory raka`ats two by two.
It is a confirmed sunnah even if one can only do a little. Voluntary night prayer is superior to voluntary day prayer. Allah Most High said: “Lo! the vigil of the night is when impression is more keen and speech
more certain” (73:6).
The second half of the night is best for observing the night vigil. It is recommended to intend the night vigil prayer before going to sleep and to begin with two brief raka`ats. Recitation is neither loud nor mute but in between.[/fr] Continue reading