Tag Archives: recitation
Please help me to understand the correct recitation. Is it hasbunallah wa nicma-l-Wakeel…? Continue reading
Three kalimats after fard Salah
Q: I have a question concerning the three la il la ha il Allah ‘s that are read after the fard Salah and its origin. Continue reading
Yasin Heart of Quran?
Q: Salafi friends ask about the validity of ahadith explaining about surah Yasin as heart of Qur’an and that reading it upon deceased moslem can intercede the reader and the deceased. Could you provide me the level of validity of the hadiths and their sources? Continue reading
Duff and Qasidas
Q: Could I have evidence for the permissibility of reciting naats in the masjid, and using the duff/drums in the masjid? Continue reading
Meaning of Hasbunallah Rabunallah
Q: What is the meaning of “Hasbunallah Rabbunallah”? What are the special benefits of reciting this dhikr, and how many times a day should it be recited? Continue reading
Joining Congregational Prayer After First Raka`at
Q: We join the fard prayers after it started, lets say at the second rakaates, when the Imam gives salam we stand up to complete what we are missing. Do I read the thanaa before Alhamdolillah? Continue reading
Is Playing Daf Allowed in the Mosque
Question: salaam Hajjah I have seen a lot of people during dhikrs and whilst reading nasheeds etc in mosque play daf or drums. Is playing a daf or any kind of musical instrument allowed in a mosque? Any particular reasons … Continue reading