Tag Archives: sacrifice
fathers pain
my friends father is suffering from depression and his family are very upset and worried. can you please pray for him and tell us a zikr to read that will help this situation. Continue reading
Prayer Request: For my daughter weak eyes
My daughter’s name is Zahraa, when she was born she was very beautiful people use to say she is not our child. Mashallah she has very beautiful colored eyes and from birth up until now whereever she goes first remark she gets is on her beautiful eyes. Continue reading
Selling a Qurban
Q: Can the meat of qurban be sold to someone? Some says “cannot” but some says “can”. Continue reading
Who is obligated for qurban?
Q: Who is obligated to sacrifice qurban? Continue reading
Udhiya to non-Muslims?
Q: Can we distribute the meet of animal of Eid ul Adhaa to non Muslim persons? Continue reading
Is Meat in Western Countries Halal?
Question: Assalaamu aleykum wr wb. At the beginning of Surah Al-Maeda, Allah Almighty says “The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them.” Does this mean we can eat meat sold … Continue reading
Shaving Newborn’s HairQuestion: Couper les cheveux du nouveau-né
Q: Hope you are well and in the best of health, on the back of the question with regards to shaving of the hair after birth – is there any Islamic relevance to this?[fr]J’ espère que vous allez bien et avez une excellente santé. A propos de la question concernant le rasage des cheveux des bébés à la naissance -…[/fr] Continue reading