Tag Archives: Salafi
Re: Pseudo-Salafi preacher on Imam al-Ghazali
how would you respond to this attack on Ash`aris Continue reading
Differences within Islam
It is okay to have theological/ideological differences in Islam. Why attack/label Muslims as salafi/wahhabi? Continue reading
73 Groups, Only One Will be in Paradise
I am new in Islam, and have read that at the end of the age the Muslimeen will be parted into 73 groups and only one will be in Paradise… Continue reading
Salafi girl
I am married to a Salafi girl. She does not have much idea of ahle sunnat wal jamaat, But I am trying to convince her. She is a good girl, loves me too much. Continue reading
Angels in Islam
May I be answered for whether Angels have rational potentials… Continue reading
Why should we argue with anyone?
I wanted to ask you that I have seen videos of some Sufi shaikhs criticizing Salafis, I thought Sufism meant Love towards all and hatred towards none, my question is that is it OK to criticize the Salafis? Continue reading
Is Wahabism kufr?
The Wahabis have some terrible beliefs about Allah (like anthropomorphism and ascribing limitations and defects) and make horrific insults against Rasool Allah (sallah Allahu aleyhi wasalam) ,essentially degrading him to the status of any old person and forbidding great love for him (na’uthubillah). Continue reading
Leading Khatm with some pro-salafi.
Ô shaykh , I started to organise majliss zikir in Bengkulu as you authorized me. For… Continue reading
Statistics on As Sawad al Azam?
Obviously the 2 most prominent, largest contemporary Muslim groups struggling for & laying claim to the title of sawad al azam… Continue reading
sunnianswers.wordpress.com reliability?
Could Sidi Gibril Haddad please advise about the soundness of the articles and replies on the website sunnianswers.wordpress.com, written by Shaykh Abu Adam?… Continue reading