Tag Archives: salat al-Fajr
Dua in SujoodDua durant le Sujood
When is the best time to do dua in sujood…[fr]Quel est le meilleur moment de faire une dua pendant le sujood… (j’ai lu que c’est durant le dernier sujood de la sunnah du fajr)?…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Seeing the Prophet Isa (AS) in my dream
I had a dream a few months ago, it was just before Fajr salah. I dreamt of seeing Prophet Isa AS… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Looking for comfort
I am referred by my cousin [private] from UK. My life is messed up, and I want to sort it out… Continue reading
Dream: From my chest
Long before I ever heard about spirituality, I went for Hajj. In Medina, I used to greet the Prohet(SAW) every morning and evening… Continue reading
Dream: White horse
The other morning after fajr prayer I had a dream,I woke up early in the morning in an unknown place,… Continue reading
Dream: War
I had a dream after Fajr prayers in which i was in the mosque on the farm in Michigan. Me and Mawlana Shaykh Hisham were the only ones in the mosque… Continue reading
Tahajjud after fajr adhan?
Q: Can one still read Tahajjud prayer if the Fajr time has started ? Continue reading
question on daily practice/awrad
can u please tell me which consequence is the right one for the practice of people of determination because some book differ: salat wudu’, najat, tahajjud and salat tasbih followed by fajr? Continue reading