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Tag Archives: scared
Prayer Request: Help for the abused
A man is threatening and blackmailing me; he says he will destroy my life and I’ve been living with constant fear. He has been abusing me for the last 3 years. Allah knows how much I had to go through every single day because… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged protection, scared, threatened
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Can you help my 1st born??
We are both Pakistani families but our parents still do not speak. Its been 2 years since my marriage. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged alopecia, black magic, egg, nighttime, pregnancy, red silk cloth, sadaqa, scared, screw, slow development
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I am in big problem & need help
My Name is [private] and I am 31 years old. From more than 15 years I am facing big problems where in my dream for some reasons I will get scared and wakeup, because i will see somebody hitting me or sometimes Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged bad dreams, dreams, dunya, hawa, murshid, nafs, nightmares, scared, Shaytan, untamed ego, wild ego
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Dream: Black Man
Had two dreams. First- man in black walking. I saw a glimpse of him, but everyone… Continue reading
Dream: Dog, wasp and cigarette
1. In my living room at home I see a pet dog there with me. A brown dog with large… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angry, attack, black spots, burn, child, cigarette, dog, fitra, hot coal, innocence, Last Days, living room, purity, scared, shake head, spiritual attack, spiritual shield, sting, Surat al-Falaq, Surat al-Ikhlas, Surat an-Nas, teenager, ugly, wasp, womb
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Dream: Prophet ISA (R.A)
I had a dream of the prophet ISA twice once where a glowing yellow light covering the body walked up to the gog magoog… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged coming, Day of Judgment, Gog and Magog, heavens, humanity, light, preparation, prepare, Prophet Jesus, Sayyidina `Isa, scared, true dreams, Ya'juj wa Ma'juj, Yawm al-Qiyama, Yawm al-Qiyamah, yellow
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Dream: Worried about my brother
I always see someone chasing me, and now that I’m cutting my brothers leg in my school… Continue reading
Fear of Meeting New People
I bought a new house about 3 months ago. But I’m not happy or at peace in this house,… Continue reading
Posted in Health, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged black magic, city, clean, cook, cry, disturbance, family, fear, house, husband, medical care, meeting, moving, new house, new people, noise, phobia, Prayers, read Qur'an, scared, suicide, treatment, upkeep
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