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Tag Archives: segmenting awrad
New to Tariqah
I have some questions. Am I allowed to wear the Taj and black turban? Because I did buy them, and would love to wear them. And for awrad can you Pray that any time of day? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged daily spiritual practices, new baya`, segmenting awrad
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If I pray Fazr Salat in congragation at the mosque I am unable to pray the Fazr Awrad, when the Salat is finished everybody leaves I don’t have time to pray the tasbih… Continue reading
Awrad questions after making baya`
I have some questions concerning the daily dua I must do after my Baya has been accepted… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged awrad, busy, du`a, fever, guidance, household chores, internet baya`, laziness, lazy, menses, mesntruation, missed awrad, monthly cycle, morning, night vigil, online baya`, period, recite, salat al-Fajr, Salat al-Najat, Salat al-Shukr, Salat al-Tahajjud, Salat al-wudu, Salat an-Najat, Salat ash-Shukr, Salat at-Tahajjud, salawat, segment, segmenting awrad, shaykh, Shaytan, sleep early, sleepy, solution, tahajjud, teachings, timing, tired, wazifa
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