Tag Archives: Shaytan
Dream: Black dog & snake-like figures
Alhamdullilah, last night my husband took bayah with Mawlana at a dhikr gathering… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Evil thoughts out of control…
I have a decease in my heart and do not know what to do anymore I’m like in a big battle… Continue reading
Will Allah forgive shaytan?
Sorry for this stupid question but I felt I should ask. My question is that since Allah is the most forgiving, will he forgive shaytan?
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Prayer Request: For anxiety and depression
I have been through a painful phase of my life with evil thoughts during prayers and… Continue reading
Dream: 8 Things?
I dreamt that I was in a circle of friends on a dark rainy night. During the gathering,… Continue reading
I am in big problem & need help
My Name is [private] and I am 31 years old. From more than 15 years I am facing big problems where in my dream for some reasons I will get scared and wakeup, because i will see somebody hitting me or sometimes Continue reading
Iblis: Jinn or Angel?
I was told that Iblese was not an angel but a Jinn… Continue reading
Unpleasent thoughts whilst reading Durood.
I have a friend who when he sends durood upon the Prophet (Salalahu Alaihi Wasallam) a swear or a bad thought comes into his mind directed to the Messenger and his family. Continue reading
Dream: About Shaytan
My first dream is that me & my family were in a place where there was two… Continue reading
Questions regarding a website
In one of your previous answers re: Jinn Shaykh Gibril referred to an article on the… Continue reading