Tag Archives: slaughter
Is this Meat Halal?
I have always been advised as a follower of the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat that it is… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Shukran Ya Seyyedi
By the grace of Allah SWT and your prayers my coaching (transformational) program for youth to enable them to join civil services… Continue reading
if I slaughter sheep for the pregnancy of my wife, so that everything inschallah goes well , can I keep some of the meat?… Continue reading
New constrution
I am going to start a new house construction. I am seeking dua for non-disturbance till finish, and advice… Continue reading
Hadith on Future
“After judgement day there will be a day of assembly when people of heaven and hell will be brought together. A ram will be sacrificed… Continue reading
I would like to know what is the proper way to hunt with a gun?… Continue reading
I heard Mawlana Shaykh Hisham’s Suhba on cruelty to animals and was greatly heartened… Continue reading
Prayer Request: remove black magic- taweez
My sister has come back from pakistan and her behaviour has changed dramatically she has turned against us for a rishta that my parents have rejected at the time she was in approval and agreed that all they are after is a meal ticket to England now she won’t listen at all. Continue reading
I would like to ask about the status of horn according to the different madzhabs, especially according to the Shafi’i school… Continue reading
Halal Meat
Q: I was reading an earlier question about halal Meat, and i am a little concerned about the fact that we stopped having Halal Meat more than two years ago! Continue reading