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Tag Archives: sun
Dream: Moon crashing into Sun then into Earth
I had a dream recently I was sick from a winter virus, in the dream I see myself as I am today gone back to my high school in the same physical appearance, soon in my dream I am sitting, I believe, in a vehicle and look at the moon and there is lightening coming from it. I alerted everyone in the vehicle to look at that, as soon as I did the moon went crashing in to the sun… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged day of judgement, earth, moon, sun
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Dream: Istikhaara for Marriage
I was wearing a red gown in a street at night accompanied by strangers and went shopping… Continue reading
Dream: Sun
What does it mean to dream of the sun?… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged context, father, male authority, shaykh, sun
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Dream: Sun Rising from the West
A couple of years ago I had a dream within a dream. I fell asleep after fajr-prayer… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged ascension, basmala, black, cloud, Day of Judgment, events, explosion, family members, good tidings, Judgment Day, mother, nature of the soul, paralysis, paralyzed, relatives, rise, salat al-Fajr, sky, soul, spirit, sun, voice, west
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Dream: Journey to space
I don’t remember who was there but we were shown earth. Then whatever asked me if we ever seen the space… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, earth, Fasting, haqiqat at-tayy, journey, orbit, Pluto, reality of scrolling, space, speed of light, sun, support, travel
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Dream: The Prophet on the last day
I am 16 years now. About 4 or 5 years ago I dreamt that Yawm ul Qiyama had arrived… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged kiss hand, love of Prophet (s), Prophet Muhammad (s), save, shade, sun, Yawm al-Qiyama
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Dream: Jummuah at Lefke
I dreamt about being in Lefke at Jummuah prayer, but it wasn’t Mawlana’s mosque, it was a different room, less light, less decoration, rustic, a few people were also there,.. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Argentinians, Cyprus, decoration, different, excellent dream, guidance, important, Lefke, light, manage, masjid, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mosque, mureeds, murids, numbers, paper, people, quoted, reading, rizq, rustic, Salat al-Jumu`ah, shining, sitting, sohba, Spanish, spiritual, suhba, suhbat, sun, Suras, Surat al-Hujrat, translation, verses
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Dream: shower room + darkness
I dreamt 2-3 months ago, that there was a war and i was on a mountain and suddenly the sun or the moon blew up and the lightness of the moon/sun became a dark circle. Continue reading
Dream: Of fear and destruction…Reve: Peur et Destruction
I was standing with my father facing a big field. We were carrying luggage on our back, like travelers, and were watching hundreds of families having fun on the field. [fr]J’étais debout avec mon père en face d’un grand champ. On portait des bagages au dos comme des voyageurs et nous regardions des centaines…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged brothers, earth, father, garden, luggage, monsters, moon, Signs of the Last Days, straight path, sun, traveler, window
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Reve: Peur et Destruction