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Tag Archives: Sunan
bare minimum of a valid prayer (furud and wajibat)
could you tell me if possible the bare minimum (furud and wajibat) the prayer Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Salat - Prayer
Tagged arkan, conditions, conditions for valid prayer, fard, furud, makruh, namaz, obligations, obligatory prayers, pillars, prostration of forgetfulness, required elements, requirements, rukn, ruku`, sadja as-sahw, sajda, salat, shurut, Sunan, Sunnah, wajibat
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Four Raka`ts before Salat azh-Zhuhr
I researched and according to كتاب الصلاة hadith by wife of Habibullah (saw) that He never missed 4 Sunnah in Dhuhr. And as observed by followers of Imam Abu Hannifa is 4+4+2 Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer, Sunnah
Tagged nawafil, Sunan
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Q:I took baya on the internet and recieved an answere with the daily awrad. I was very happy to take baya and waited anxiously for an answere. Continue reading
Qadi Ruling Against Shari`ah
Q:Can someone please provide or direct me to any discussion amongst the fuqaha regarding a Qadhi who, in a particular scenario, gives a ruling explicitly against the Sharia due to some extrinsic reason, such as his having some emotional connection to the plaintiff. Continue reading