Tag Archives: syed
Honoring ‘Ashraf’ above others?
Is it correct to honor al-Ashraf, descendants of the Prophet (s), above others? Continue reading
Why Syed can not get Zakkat?
I just want an authentic proof that why Syeds are not eligible for Zakat? Because I believe all humans are equal. Continue reading
Proposal Advice Needed from Maulana
I’ve received a proposal from a syed through his sister but my dad is rejecting it after having asked someone to do background check-according to it they are not good people and the area they are living is also has a bad reputation and that they are shia etc.. Continue reading
Assurity assurity
I just had to questions if any one asks me to prove how im a syed how do I do it.? Continue reading
Respect for Syeds
I have a question if it can be answered. What is the status of a Syed (Aal-e-Nabi saw) in dunya? Is their respect mandatory? Continue reading
Dream: Washing the feet
I had a dream in which I was in presence of someone, I thought it was Sultan ul Awliya Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (QS), so I asked him to request that I be given permission to wash his feet… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Sister’s marriage
I belong from a syed family. My sister was married to a syed man but that man was skeptic and harsh to her and so the marriage resulted in khulaa (divorce by court). Continue reading