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Tag Archives: tahajjud
Regarding Tahajjud
1: As a Shafi would like to confirm …. Is it true that tahajjud prayer can be performed at ANY time after `Isha as long as one has slept then awoke to perform the prayer ( even if before midnight )? Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged `Isha, fajr, Maghrib, prayer calculation, prayer-times, subh, tahajjud
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About salat al Tahajjud
Is it true that once someone starts to reciting salat al Tahajjud, then salat al Tahajjud becomes compulsory… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged Salat al-Tahajjud, sunnah prayers, tahajjud, wajib
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Prayer Request: Dua MSH
I have lots of problems in life. I am not doing good in college, can’t get into medical school, no prospects for employment, nothing. This may seem trivial but my family had high expectations and I have let them down. Continue reading
Dream After Salat ul Layl
In the dream there is an old dervish like person who is clad in two cloths as we do while on hajj/umrah and he is holding a stick (danda) and is walking fast and behind him in the sky/clouds tears up I think the next heaven and next heaven in moon like shape is seen.
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Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged spiritual power, tahajjud
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Timing of Wazifatul Kubra
I would like to ask about the Wazifatul Kubra (Salaatuun Najaah, Tahajjud, Salat ut-Tasbih, etc) mentioned in the Naqshbandi Handbook of Devotions. I know that this is supposed to be performed in Tahajjud time, but my problem is I work nights… Continue reading
Near Death Experience?
I was trying to sleep for a while after tahajud prayer, then i heard my father called me, it was around 03:45 am. I can not wake up. My mind is fresh, but my body can not move even a little… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged continuous dhikr, near-death-experience, soul travelling, spiritual experiences, tahajjud
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Night time
I have got a question dear brothers, it says that some ibada’s are best done night, some my question is, when does that time begin… Continue reading
Hadith shalat
According to a hadith that came to me that during shalat the prostrate position is… Continue reading
Awrad questions after making baya`
I have some questions concerning the daily dua I must do after my Baya has been accepted… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged awrad, busy, du`a, fever, guidance, household chores, internet baya`, laziness, lazy, menses, mesntruation, missed awrad, monthly cycle, morning, night vigil, online baya`, period, recite, salat al-Fajr, Salat al-Najat, Salat al-Shukr, Salat al-Tahajjud, Salat al-wudu, Salat an-Najat, Salat ash-Shukr, Salat at-Tahajjud, salawat, segment, segmenting awrad, shaykh, Shaytan, sleep early, sleepy, solution, tahajjud, teachings, timing, tired, wazifa
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