Tag Archives: tahlil
Tazia and holding Quran recitation for the deceased
Is it permitted to recite the Holy Qur’an over the deceased? Continue reading
Wazifa for children
Question: Salamu Alaikum dear staff, I red an answer of a staff member, I didn’t remember who it was, anyway the answer suggested a small wazifa for children.I liked it a lot, but cannot find the question/answer anywhere on the … Continue reading
Islamic Cure for Paranoia
Is there an Islamic cure or treatment for paranoia? Continue reading
khatm after death
when someone dies my family do a khatm on the 3rd day after the death and then on the 40th day, does mawlana also do this… Continue reading
Dream: Group of Men in Sarban reciting.
Last night, I had the same dream three times. A group of men in sarban was reciting ‘La Illa Ha IllAllah’. Continue reading
Dream: La ilaha illa-Llah
I dreamt my little girl who is only 1 year +(she can’t really speak yet) came to me and ask me to do tasbir for her- reciting La ilaha illa-Llah. in my dream I was reciting it. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Please make dua for my mother
I am writing for my mother who is a very pious lady, but has been very ill for the past few years. We suspected sirrh so she asked someone for a wird to help. Continue reading
Master’s pleasure
Q: How and how to achieve happiness and love the Lord and His Prophet with. AVS Continue reading
jin in my room
Q: i had a strange experience an invisible ball moving iregularly in my room hiting walls and door but with a week intensity but moving with a high speed Continue reading
Dream: Black CloudsRêve: Nuage noirs
Last night I dreamed about being with my mother and sister in our village in Pakistan. I remember also another older lady from the village. [fr]Hier, j’ai rêvé que j’étais avec ma mère et ma soeur dans notre village au Pakistan…[/fr] Continue reading