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Tag Archives: technology
Concentration and focus on a task
When I am doing work or something other than that I lose focus Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged apps, cellphone, distraction, Facebook, mobile phone, social media, technology, twitter
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cellphone mushaf and tahara/wudu
Is it mandatory to make/keep wudu while reading Quran on phone? Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Halal & Haram, Sunnah
Tagged ablution, mushaf, reading Quran, reciting Qur'an, tahara, technology, wudu
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Reading Quran in a low place
I sometimes have Quran opened on my mobile as I can quickly go over surahs. If peoples behind me are higher and are above Quran is this haraam?
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Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged app, cell phone, Holy Qur'an, love for Quran, mobile phone, respect for Quran, reverence for Quran, technology
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End of Technology?
I need to buy some technological equipment and study which will involve the use of… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged spiritual technology, technology, time of Imam Mahdi
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Dream: A Satanic Table?
I put my cell phone in my brother’s dining table and suddenly my cell phone moved itself to the floor… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged backyard, brother, cell phone, dependence, dining table, evil spirit, floor, gadget, gravity, healing, laptop, magnet, nature, negative, panic, scream, technology, trouble, water hole
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Signs to technology in the End Times from the hadiths about the antichrist
I read a article on web site called awaitedmahdi.com and it talks about “Signs to technology in the End Times from the hadiths about the antichrist” the link to this is http://www.awaitedmahdi.com/article.php?id=29139 . Please guide us if the information given on this page is correct. Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged hadith, Last Days, predictions of the Prophet (s), Signs of the Last Days, technology
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In absence of M S Nazim
I have read that one needs a living teacher to learn and follow from, and that suhba is very important. I moved away from my home country where there was a big Naqshbandi gathering to a country where there is none. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged connection, dhikr, muraqabah, rabitah, suhbat, tariqah, technology, website
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Question: Since I am a student of engineering, I would like to ask that what is your opinion about robotics i.e. making a robot? Answer: Robotics like any other technology has halal and haram uses so it depends on the … Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged halal, haram, purpose, robot, robotics, science, technology
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