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Tag Archives: worship
Will God conceal sins?
I am worried Allah will reveal my sins, if I continue to try to purify myself and to become a Wali Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged `ibadah, forgiveness, intention, repentance, tawba, worship
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What did the Prophet (saw) do in Mount Hira?
What exactly did our Prophet (saw) do in Mount Hira? I know he used to meditate, etc. but what form did this meditation take? Considering he spent days there, this profoundly affected him. Are there any actual accounts of the actual practices he performed there? … Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ibadah, asceticism, devotion, isolation, lata'if, life of Prophet (s), meditation, Mt. Hira, Muhammadan Cave, points, seclusion, tafakkur, Uwaysi transmission, worship, zuhd
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Information, knowledge or obedience?
I am about to start the 3rd year of Engineering this October. I don’t enjoy what I study, and I find it simply useless, especially in light of the coming of Imam Al Mahdi in near future… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged `ibadah, study, worship
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I would like to know whether is any salat or nafil which is related to Hazrat Jibril (a)… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ibadah, angel's prayers, Sayyidina Jibril, tasbeeh of angels, worship
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alhumdullilah all of last year I used to worship a lot coming home every day after school I was able to spend a lot of time (sometimes even a few hours depending on my work load)… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged avoiding sins, bad company, inconsistency, lack of faith, loss of energy, negative influences, worship
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Angels in Islam
May I be answered for whether Angels have rational potentials… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged `ibadullah, angelic beings, angelic world, belief in angels, Divine Decree, freedom of choice, freewill, mala'ikah, rational thinking, Salafi, servants of Allah, taqwa, Wahabi beliefs, wahabism, worship
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What is the purpose of life in this world ?
What is the purpose of life in this world? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ibada, Allah's creatures, sincere glorification, worldly life, worship
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Need contentment in the heart
Please pray for me. I am trying to get a better job, but I am having a lot of difficulty finding a job. In my present job, I am unable to perform Faraaidh and Ibadah regularly. [fr]Please pray for me. I am trying to get a better job, but I am having a lot of difficulty finding a job. In my present job, I am unable to perform Faraaidh and Ibadah regularly. [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged acts of worship, mandatory, obligations, worship
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Sleepless nights for years
my husband has problems sleeping at night. At some days he stays awake all night and that can go on for days. [fr]my husband has problems sleeping at night. At some days he stays awake all night and that can go on for days. [/fr] Continue reading
Istikhara Request : To Find a Job or Set Up Small Business
My name is ([private]) from Jakarta,Indonesia. Recently I just quit my job coz I want to have more time for my family n for worship. Continue reading