Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Disposal of Taweez
Q: please could you also advise… the best way to dispose thaweez? Continue reading
Hadith on Perfume, Women and Salat
Q: I wanted to ask a question which is; the hadith of the Prophet p.b.u.h about in this world he loves 3 things. “i.e. woman or women (please correct me if I’m wrong i.e. singular, plural etc,and also the order the 3 things appear in), perfume and coolness of my eyes are in prayer”. Continue reading
Watching Bollywood Movies
Q: What is the fatawa on watching bollywood movies and songs especially listening to the songs? Some people say they are about love so it is ok?
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Hajj Permitted for Mortgagee?
Question: Asalamu alaikom. Bismillah al-rahman al-rahim Can a person go to Hajj if they still have a mortgage on there house. Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad Answer: `Alaykum as-Salam, You may go to Hajj as long as the funds used … Continue reading
Praying Jumu`ah at Ahmadiyya Mosque
Question: Assalaamu’alaikum, What can I do when there is no mosque near me? The nearest one is an Ahmadiyya mosque. Am I allowed to pray jama’ah there? If not, how should I do my Friday prayer? Thank you and may … Continue reading
Hadith: Socks or Khuffs?
Q: My question is about a hadith in Imam Nawawi’s Riyadh as-Salihiin. It is number 791 which is the hadith that mentions wiping over socks. My question with regard to this hadith is while it is written socks, is the word in Arabic khuff? Continue reading
Paying for Cousin’s Hajj
Q: My cousin who wants to give money for his parents to do hajj but he yet has not done it himself. Is this permissible? Continue reading
To What Does “Allah” Refer for Pre-Islamic Arabs?
Q: So when the pre-Islamic people where using this name (Abd-Allah) to which Allah are they doing reference? Continue reading
Perfume Containing Alcohol
Q: Is perfume for (men/woman) containing alchohol allowed? Continue reading
Seeking the Means in Invocation
Can you explain to me the invocation (du’a) of the awliyah in light of the Qur’an and Sunna and its purpose. I know any tawwasul is a need but how and why do we invoke the awliyah and saints I dont quite understand. Continue reading