Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Wiping Over Socks in Ablution
Q: Can we wipe over the socks during ablution? Continue reading
Multiple Intentions for Single Worship
Q: If I fast inshaAllah for the next ten days (of Dhul-hijjah), should my niyyah be for Dhul-hijjah, for Ramadan, or is it possible for it to be for both? Continue reading
Urine as a Cure
Q: I’m asking if doing therapy of illness by drinking urine is allowed according to our faith? As we know from medical research that urine is a medicine… Continue reading
Meaning of Iyyaka Na`budu wa Iyyaka Nasta`in
Question: Salam alaykum: The question I have is on the explanation of an aya in Suratul Fatiha. To whom is: ‘Iyakka Nacbudu wa iyaka nastacin‘ referring? In other words, who is addressed? Answer: wa `alaykum salam Allah Most High is … Continue reading
Dalils for Awliyaullah in Quran & Hadith
I was recently speaking to a friend and was telling them about awliya Allah and that Allah has special people who he has sent on earth to help and guide people to the right path. My friend does not believe in this and sees no reference of this in either the Qur’an or Hadith. Continue reading
Avoiding Gha’ib Janaza for Hanafi Murids?
Question: Asalaamu Alaykum, In the Hanafi Madhab Ghaibana Salatul Janaza is not permissible, so for Hanafi murids should they still do it or avoid it? JazakAllah Khayr. Answer: `Alaykum as-Salam, Among murids we pray salat al-janaza `ala al-gha’ibin regardless of … Continue reading
Healthy Cigarette?
Q: I was surprised reading a news paper today that there is a pesantren lead by a shaykh (and also Kyai) in Indonesia who teach their mureeds to make a healthy cigarette, they said they are using many herbs that is useful for people. Now their business is good … Continue reading
Hadith: Allah’s Preventing Self-Aggrandizing Worship
Question: Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullah, I don’t know the credibility of the following site, so wanted to ask any of the learned members if they could advise as to the authenticity of this (purported) hadith, and educate me with any … Continue reading
Viewing Pornography
Q: Is it halal to viewing pornography and the phenomenon called “sex cartoon”- this is not the same as pornography, but like cartoon?… Continue reading
Interpretation of “Ma Khalaq” in Surat al-Falaq
Q: One particular part that stuck out on me which, for me, tainted this book and I could be wrong is when he mentioned the verse from Surah Falaq “min sharri MA khalaq” which is usually translated “from the evil He has created”. Continue reading