Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

The Ten “Men”/الرجال العشرة
Question: Les Dix Hommes

كما أريد أن أسأل عن الرجال العشرة,من هم بالتحديد؟[fr]Qui sont exactement les ”Dix Hommes”?…[/fr] Continue reading

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Question: Les Dix Hommes

Dream: Shaykh Nazim and Shaykh Hisham

1. I was arguing with a certain man as he was ridiculing faith, when Mawlana Shaykh Nazim took my arm and led me to a room. Continue reading

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Protection from haram
Protections contre le haram

After taking baya from beloved Mawlana through a website, then also I can’t stop myself from doing haram things..[fr]Après avoir pris la baya sur internet avec de notre bien-aimé Mawlana, je ne peux m’empêcher de faire des choses haram…[/fr] Continue reading

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Protections contre le haram

Dream: Death

I had a dream a person came to me and told me I would die soon on two separate times. Then about a month ago, I had a dream that Mawlana Shaykh Nazim said he was going to kill me and it upset me alot in the dream. Continue reading

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Dream: Mother and Son

There is an investigation and my mom just want to help around by explaining to the people who are inquiring that the individual is innocent. Continue reading

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First of all, I wanted to say May ALLAH grant all of you jannat/heaven for the hard work you have all put into Continue reading

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Excessive urination problem

My problem is excessive urination, i.e I need to pee again and again. Continue reading

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His eyes turn into cat’s eyes

A brother from tariqa, one of my relatives, makes his daily prayers, has wudu all the time, wears a taweez. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Keep bad away from me

For 2 years I had strange things happen: nightmares, object fall “alone”. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: for My GrandMother

Ya Sayadi my grandmother is seriously ill. Continue reading

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