Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Can `Aqida be based on single-narrator narrations (ahad hadith)

Q: Can one take into its Aqeedah narrations from ahad hadith? Continue reading

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Salat najat

Q: Please, can you give me some details about the invocation we have to say in salat annajat. I don’t understand when I do tell it. Continue reading

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Ayat ash-Shifa (Six Quranic Verses of Healing)

Six Quranic Verses of Healing: Ayat Ash-Shifa…[fr]Six Quranic Verses of Healing: Ayat Ash-Shifa[/fr] Continue reading

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Khatm Khwajagan

Q: aslamalaykum can you tell me which shaykh first started the khatm khwajagan and how long ago thank you.[fr]Q: aslamalaykum can you tell me which shaykh first started the khatm khwajagan and how long ago thank you.[/fr] Continue reading

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Q: Aslaarm alaykum may ALLAH swt bless you and all tho’s on eshayke in islam are we alound to use Contraception? Continue reading

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What is nafs?

Q: What is nafs? Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Forgiveness

May Almighty Allah Bless u and Forgive me, Astaghfirullah. What else can I say? Continue reading

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Women Tasawwuf Issue

Q: But I don’t know whether women are allowed to do or not. I have heard about online baiyat and I yearn to take baiyat at the hands of Sheikh Nazim Adil Al Hakkani. Is it allowed to take baiyat online? Continue reading

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As-salaam Alaikum Peace be on you all , who are putting there heart and soul in spreading the message,m helping the weak and enlightening us through our Guides and Teachers here and hereafter. I am really happy to see this … Continue reading

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The Daily Awrad (Spiritual Practices)

Q: My question is what is the meaning of salawat and what is to recite. Continue reading

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