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Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff
Praying Behind Wahabi ImamPrier derrière un imam Wahabi
Q: I live in Saudi Arabia and here in most of the masjids the imams are either salafi/wahabi and they dont even recite basmala before fathiha. My question is whether we can follow that imam for prayer? [fr]J’habite en Arabie Saoudite et ici la plupart des imams sont wahabi ou salafi…[/fr] Continue reading
Failure to Practice
Last year i took bay’a through Syaikh Hisham after a subha, but I felt uncertain about practices because I am new to Tasawwuf. All I could do was to gain informations from the internet, and there are loads of variations/differences among them. So I began to perform the daily awrad, but stopped soon after. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged adhkar, awrad, baya`, initiation, practices
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Dream: Buraq
In a dream recently, I saw Maulana Sheikh Nazim saying to me, that I should say: ‘Enna buraaq’. What does this dream mean please? Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged ascension, buraq, ego, isra and mi`raj, mount, nafs
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Dream: To See Prophet Jesus (as)
Q: I had a dream when In the days i really wanted to see sayidina Isa alahi Salam in the dream you told me to see the only way to see him is to obedient to your mother. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Damascus, Last Days, Mahdi, mother, obedience, Sayyidina `Isa
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Washing the Dead
Q: Can you advise us of the steps one should perform when washing a dead body? Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Family Issues
Tagged aloes, body, camphor, filth, ghusl, head, hunut, incense, mahram, najasa, purification, sandalwood, satr, shroud, Sunnah, wash, wudu
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Permissibility of Sama
Q: What is the eligibility of listening to songs/music/samaa?
A: Listening to religious music such as naat or qawwali is permissible. Continue reading
Prayer Request
Request: Sorry to bother you shaykh, but my niece is very ill and there is nobody available to pray on her. Would it be possible to arrange for Shaykh Hisham to pray on her over the phone or something like … Continue reading
Regarding Permissibility of Music
Q: Someone told me that all four madhabs say it is illegal to listen to music…
A: Here is a relatively strict interpretation of what is and is not permitted from music/sama… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged arouse, awtar, birth, circumcision, daff, Eid, festivals, halal, haram, Imam Ghazali, intoxicants, Ismā`īl Dhul-Qarnayn, kubah, laborers, lovers, majamir, marriage, mourning, music, pilgrims, sama, sexual desire, tar, wine
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Fasting: Why Stop Eating 10 Minutes Before Fajr (Imsak)?
Q: Most books of fiqh seem to state that the wajib time to begin fasting is at the true dawn (when the second adhan in pronounced)….?
A: This is not a ‘requirement’ but, rather, a recommendation, for the reason you mentioned… Continue reading
Why Do the Imams Differ?
At times a difference of opinion occurs due to the different narrations that are found with regards to a particular aspect. One Imam gives preference to one narration on the basis of various criteria while the other Imam, in the light of his knowledge, prefers the other narration. Continue reading