Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of dreams. Note answers may be limited due to the quantity of requests.

Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s dua

I have a skin condition, and about a month ago, I had a dream that Mawlana Shaykh Nazim was making dua for me. Continue reading

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Dream Interpretation

For the past few months I have been having dreams that someone is trying to kill me. They are always different dreams but I can feel the pain in the dreams sometimes. Does this mean anything? Continue reading

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Mom’s dream

My mom had a dream about me. She dreamed that she and her deceased father were standing in front of two roads. Continue reading

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Dream: seeing grandfather and hazrath alis help

Q: my grandfather Syed Yaqoob Saab who died in 1996 apperaed in my dream after i performed hajj in 2006 and gave me glad tidings and also congrats me for hajj.he told me .”you will get Mola Ali’s “help. Continue reading

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Dream: sajda with angels

I had a dream that i was leading a sajda in front of something-i could not really see it and there were hundreds of angels around me who were also doing sajda, but then some angels got me up and told me to go back … Continue reading

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Dream: fire/cooling

Sat on a chair, a friend close to me. people put a dark helmet on my head, like the shape of a fish bowl but bigger. they seal it, im having trouble breathing, my thoughts “relax Allah is with me” Continue reading

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Dream: Meeting a Woman

Last 2 nights I have been having a similar dream , where i am meeting a woman, and both times the person looks different but it feels like the same person. Continue reading

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Dream: Nur Muhammad SAW

I am a convert since 2004. A few years ago in dream Iblis attacked me and there was a second attack heavier attack somehow related to Mahdi a.s. Suddenly a light came entering me and my head becomes lighter. Continue reading

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Dream: Prophet (s) and flying horse

It was on the first of Muharram during Fajr time. I had a dream like a gang of kafirs chasing me in the mountains… i keep running by reciting salawat.. Continue reading

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Fruits in dreams

Q: Some times I see particular fruit like guava, banana, dates, melon…etc. as well as fruits that are not in season. Continue reading

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