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Halal & Haram
Reading Horoscopes
Q: What is your opinion about reading horoscopes (from newspaper or website etc.)?
A: Reading horoscopes is strictly forbidden and believing them endangers one’s faith. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Halal & Haram
Tagged haram, horoscope
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Good Luck Stones
Q:What is your opinion about wearing gemstones (with the intention that Allah may make my luck better through the effect of these stones)?
A: Allah Most High is the Provider for everything great and small, not blind fortune or
luck. Continue reading
Investing in Stocks
Q: What are your opinion about the business of shares (stock exchange)…?
A: It is preferable to invest in gold but interest-free bank accounts may be used. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged gold, interest, investment, riba, shares, stocks
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Is Playing Daf Allowed in the Mosque
Question: salaam Hajjah I have seen a lot of people during dhikrs and whilst reading nasheeds etc in mosque play daf or drums. Is playing a daf or any kind of musical instrument allowed in a mosque? Any particular reasons … Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged anasheed, daf, mawlid, recitation
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Color of Clothes
Question: Salam Hajjah, Can we women wear any colour for clothes? Orange colour like Dalai Lama allowed to wear or not because Maulana Shaykh Nazim was teasing me. I’m not sure now to wear or not to wear. I try … Continue reading
Putting a Pet to ‘Sleep’?
Q: I have a cat who is 15 years old. She has had a skin disease that she keeps scratching till it bleeds. It is an open wound around her ear, and it is spreading… Is it better to put her to sleep, or is that against Islam to kill her?
A: Islamicly, you can’t put your pet to sleep. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Halal & Haram
Tagged animal, cat, disease, kill, pet
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Plucking Eyebrows
Question: Asalamu aleikum, I would like to know if it is haram for women to pluck the eyebrows, or cut them, or remove the connecting part above the nose? I found two hadith stating that the Prophet (saw) has prohibited … Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Women's Issues
Tagged eyebrows, halal, haram, husband, pluck, wife
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Regarding Permissibility of Music
Q: Someone told me that all four madhabs say it is illegal to listen to music…
A: Here is a relatively strict interpretation of what is and is not permitted from music/sama… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged arouse, awtar, birth, circumcision, daff, Eid, festivals, halal, haram, Imam Ghazali, intoxicants, Ismā`īl Dhul-Qarnayn, kubah, laborers, lovers, majamir, marriage, mourning, music, pilgrims, sama, sexual desire, tar, wine
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Is Kingship Accepted in Islam?
Q: The question was asked whether there is “such a thing as kingship or princeship or royal families in Islam and Shari`a.”
[fr]Q: The question was asked whether there is “such a thing as kingship or princeship or royal families in Islam and Shari`a.”
A: Proof-texts for the concepts of malakîyya – “monarchy, kingship, royalty” – and mulûkîyya – “monarchic rule, monarchism, kingship, royalty” – as viable systems in Islam and Shari`a…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged caliph, caliphate, kingship, leadership, Mahdi, mulook, princes, umara
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Obeying the ‘Law of the Land’
Question: What are the evidences for those who say that it is obligatory to obey the laws of the land ? In England for example it is against the law to drive without car insurance, yet some people hold this … Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged burden, duress, halal, haram, hijab, insurance, law of the land, taklif
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