Hajj, `Umrah & Ziyarah
at the Ka`bah
I had a dream that I was in Kaaba and there was many prophets name printed on its bricks and by watching this i started crying and murmuring something. Continue reading
Ziyarah and `Umrah during menses
What does the law say about menstruating women visiting the Prophet’s tomb & the Ka’aba. Continue reading
Adopted Child Mehram
I would like to ask if I could take my son who i adopted at the age of 2 and now 29 years old to take me for hajj Continue reading
Facing Holy Prophet (s) During Prayer
When we pray we face the Holy Kaaba, and when we say before saying salaam “assalamu alayka ya ayuhan nabi” do we face Sayyidina Rasulallah (s)? Also throughout the prayer do we face him (s)? Continue reading
Ziyara and Hayd
Is it permitted for a woman to make ziyara of a nabi or wali during her menses?
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I intend on completing hajj this year InshaAllah and have reservations about use of medication to stop/delay menstruation. Continue reading
Permission for Hajj 2014
I would like to ask for permission for Hajj for this year, 2014, for myself and my husband.
Also I request you to please pray for my mother, who dislocated her Hip recently, and had to undergo surgery and is still not completely well/mobile. Continue reading
Seeing Holy Kaaba for the first time
Can you please indicate the best prayer to recite when one sees the Holy Kaaba for the first time? Continue reading