`Ibadat – Worship
I was wondering what is the best (most beneficial) dua/dhikr to recite throughout the day. Please pray for me to stay on the righteous path and have strong iman, and be successful both in this life and the next, JazakAllah. Continue reading
Juma Prayers on SufiLive
I wanted to know whether it is permissable for men to pray the obligatory Jum’a prayer by following you on Sufi Live, even if there is a local mosque nearby. I am in the same time zone as Michigan. Continue reading
Additional or Recommended Dzikr in Jalsa Position
I currently say {Rabbi ighfirli wa arhamni}, can I say something that encorages Allah (swt) to give more mercy… Continue reading
Zakath for peace TV; Fi sabeelillah
1. Please advise us on the Zakath category of fi sabeelallah. Can you give us some practical examples on this category very specifically as who is in the path of Allah?… Continue reading
Auraad Sharif
My question is regarding zikr with heart… Continue reading
Dua in SujoodDua durant le Sujood
When is the best time to do dua in sujood…[fr]Quel est le meilleur moment de faire une dua pendant le sujood… (j’ai lu que c’est durant le dernier sujood de la sunnah du fajr)?…[/fr] Continue reading
Sadaqah to non-Muslims
Is it valid to give sadaqah to non-Muslims?… Continue reading
books to learn basic hanafi fiqh
We recently bought a Manual of basic Hanafi Fiqh : “Nur al-Hudah, the light of guidance” by Imam Hasan Shurunbulali, translated from the Arabic by Wesam Charkawi. [fr]We recently bought a Manual of basic Hanafi Fiqh : “Nur al-Hudah, the light of guidance” by Imam Hasan Shurunbulali, translated from the Arabic by Wesam Charkawi. [/fr] Continue reading
Salam Alaykum wrwb. I have diagnosed with both GERD and IBS. I have had the symptoms for the last 7-8 years. As a result it is very hard for me to keep wudu. By the time I do Tahiyat-ul-wudu, I often have to make new wudu again. Continue reading